Sunday Night

Last Sunday, after I dropped Channy off, I took her home after our 24 hour shindig, I picked up Emily.
It was all rainy and nipply out side, there were two rainbows! It was the first time I used my wind shield wipers, still don’t know how to quite work them.
Anyways, we went to see The Blind Side. That movie seriously needs some awards, it was legitly true, and was absolutely touching. I didn’t cry though…. I wanted to hug Micheal though- he was like a big sad teddy! Like I said it needs awards.
We got to the movies early, and ended up leaving to get Starbucks after buying tickets. Note: we hard parked on the left side of the movies when buying them.
I love the guy that works at Starbucks :) I love people like him in general. We had a very good movie conversation while he made our Carmel Brule Lates- which are so yum it’s almost orgasmic xD For me atleast, Emily didn’t finish hers.
The guy- we talked about how awesome the new Star Trek was and that I was a Treky (not a Treker), doesn’t really matter to me. Most hardcore Star Trek watchers like to be called Treker’s or something or another. We both agreed that Chris Pine was the perfect protrayal of Kirk. Emily also pointed out he was Hot, which is definitely true! ;3 I watched a documentary on the making and directing and what not; J.J. Abrams is definitely one of my top fav Directors.
Got a lil off topic there but anyways, we got the movies and parked in the right lot.
Later we walked out of the movie exit xD wondering where the hell I parked. We were in the middle of the lot before we realised we walked into the wrong parking lot, we were in the left one not the right one. And to give ourselves some justification- we DID park in the left lot…. the first time.
So ya that was fun. :D

BTW I have a new found habit- Starbucks Naming.
Lindsa(e)y I hate it when they spell it with an ‘e’; the one guy politely asked me if I spelt it Linds AY or Linds EEY:D how nice huh?


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Shoot ’em up

December 8th,
Law Enforcement CTSO will be holding a (Peoria) S.W.A.T. vs Students on 91st and …..Peoria Ave.? at Wazee’s World Laser Zone.
There will be 18 teams of 6 members.
Team Name: PMS (Psychotic Man Slayerz, I’d like to give credit to the XBL Clan memebers) and we are wearing black and pink xD

  • Me <3
  • Littlebird
  • Kendall
  • Chandler
  • Cody
  • Brandon
  • Ya don't you just love that they're doing this on team PMS?….they don't know about the name yet….or the pink…or that they're actually doing this yet! haha Brandon wasn't at the table today.
    Anyways I'll be taking pictures of this too.

    I had to Babysit. Bummer.

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    Hahahaha omg, well you wanted pictures :D
    Vallie and I were partners for our lab final it’s “Centennial Saves Gilligan” or something along those lines. We were required to build a boat out of Cardboard, Duck tape, and White Elmer’s Glue! We cheated a little and used some wood glue xD but ya, the goal was to build the fastest and most durable (to do a bunch of laps).
    VanLiew actually came up with the Star Wars Ty-Fighter idea.
    It’s legit.
    Unloading ty-fighter

    I forced Emily to come and take videos of it all so I need to go in and edit it. Someday You’ll be updated with a vid. on this :)

    Warm Fuzzy Feelings,
    P.S. May the force be with you <3

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    I have a 76 in Physics. Should be taken care of by Monday though. I turned in a lab Friday and test corrections, I bombed the last test. I’m doing one other missing lab and Mr.Hoff is entering our last lab which was worth major points and a worksheet that we did like….Thursday; Val and I did an awesome job on our presentation in my opinion. I’ll have to tell you why ours was so great another time xD

    A 68, possibly lower, in English. I was so close to to passing! I’m missing a project that has like a bagillion worksheets that I didn’t want to do this week and I’m missing two poems on another project that I did turn in this Friday to avoid being docked half my points (I can redo it anytime, so it’s better I don’t get the late thing). I really don’t know what I’m going to do for that class…aside from doing those projects…EXTRA CREDIT HERE I COME WOOOOOO.

    I have a 72 ish in AZ/US History….kinda….I was missing a test, I took it Friday and got a 98 I on it, so it says I’m missing it on my progress report and that’s why it’s way low. I have a bunch of worksheets I didn’t legit-ly realize I was missing. So, that’s what I’m doing this weekend too.

    I had a 75 in Criminal Justice, but it should be higher since I turned in a stupid worksheet…..that was really stupid.
    Thursday though he offered up two things:
    A chance to get a $500 scholarship reward and a 100% on any test we took thus far. I FAILED one of my tests earlier this semester. It was when I was on a narcotic for my wisdom teeth- actually I was having withdraw from it so I felt like CRAP when I walked in that morning (first period). I sat down and half-assed took the test, I probably only did maybe half of it. Turned it in and ask to be excused, and went to the bathroom. Barfed my stomach out. Good day to take a test right? So ya I’m doing the essay. Kinda stumped on a topic though…

    So ya that’s my weekend….so far.

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    US :D
    Happy Halloween!!!
    Chandler and I threw together costumes, she was a Hippie, I was a vampire :) We spent like…..$60 sounds right. Went trick or treating with my sisters. How embarrassing- BUT.Chandler got a LOT of laughs + compliments on her “Hip-ness” lol Also we were going up to this one house, and a guy past us on his way down the driveway, he hissed at us! I hissed back and he started laughing. The guy was dressed as a vampire too :D How cool is that??
    Here’s our costumes (I don’t know what’s up with the lighting in both, mines used in the bathroom mirror, Chan’s in my room)
    Taylor as Vampire Chandler as Hippie
    Here’s Sammy- aren’t I good???! She looks killer (zombie Cheerleader, NOT a Dead Cheerleader)

    At the Spirit store there were Demonic Babies in a giant crib, and I thought of Jessica ;3
    Demonic Babies Close-up
    Vallie, wearing part of Nicky’s costume as the Oxy Clean man…I can’t remember his name. Wish I had gotten a picture of Nick in his whole get up. :(
    Hahaha I LOVE this picture. It this kid I sit next to in AZ/US History, his name’s Nate. (He did media tech. movies with Vince)
    We made out pretty well in candy :D It’ll last the next couple months haha

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    Tingly Toes

    Sadly I don’t have any real pictures :(And you’ll understand why after my long story. (Picture was taken by some guy though..)

    Friday, I had gone over to Chandler’s to try on her closet full of dresses. We ultimately decided on a strapless teal one that went a lil below my knees. Personally I love her black one with sequins on it, but that’s the one she wore last year and people prolly would have noticed. So plain, but pretty teal dress to wear. :)

    So Dress, Check.

    Since it’s circus themed we were like okay- what would make this circusy? Elephants, sparkles, paint, Fire, feathers? FEATHERS. YES. And sparkles. So I wanted peacock feathers, like those show girls with the tigers or elephants! Joe-Ann’s store would help with that. Tracy, Channy’s mom, said we could go the day of and get sparkles, like little bejewel ones, for my face, and feathers for my hair. I completely missed going with them to get the stuff though because I was getting my shoes.

    My shoes are like…. made to make you’re legs BAM, just long and sexy :D I’m very pleased with them and cannot wait to wear them again! I’ll post a picture.

    Shoes, Check.

    I had a hair appointment at like…1:30 so I go there with my sisters, not knowing what the heck I wanted….except a braid. You know how hot it get’s (hot as heeeellll in there!!), but when I told Carmen, the hair lady, she was said, “You have too many layers to braid it back.”
    I was like ” ;__; nooooo, curse my hair”
    So she’s messing with it doing her own thing- we decided to do a poof, a big one, not just the bangs (my bangs were actually cut, so I had some. She’s teasing my hair and has it all smoothed back and pretty ( I LOVE DOING THAT WITH MY HAIR NOW. I’ll take a picture one morning to show you.) We’re trying to figure out what to do with the rest of the bottom of my hair….
    she starts curling it and I told her I wanted it up to it doesn’t look all yucky and dead by the end of the dance (from sweat xD) so we figure a side pony tail and suddenly I have an inspiration!!!!
    We could braid it in the back upside down!! :’D I’m brilliant right???!? Tell me I’m brilliant.
    SO basically.
    All my shorter layers, the top of my head, is poofed…beehive I think is the right word only not so big. Like JLO’s:
    Jennifer Lopez
    It still wasn’t as poofy as her’s but that’s what my hair looked like from the front with a side ponytail of curls, and in the back braided upside down (was bent over and she braided it up from the base of my neck).
    This is why I love long hair, I can do so much with it :)

    Hair, Half Check.

    Why a half check?
    Because I couldn't go to Channy's to get fully ready. I got into trouble with my dad because I had told him I was going to her house, I didn’t ask, so it was one of those things; plus I was already in trouble for my grades and I was being ‘ungrateful’. So I get ready at home.
    Minus glitter and feathers :'(
    And I’m crying because my dad yelled at me over the phone. My eye’s were all puffy and red. He came home and said I wasn’t suppose to be crying and he didn’t mean to sound like a jerk (I think it was jerk xD) so I take ibuprofen and eye drops to try and help but I’m all blubber and upset Dx so eh….
    There was the whole ordeal that Chandler couldn’t bring the feathers and sparkles with her to the restaurant because no one was home and she didn’t want to go back and she was bitchy over the phone which irked me AND started another crying session.
    I was emotional.
    SO I completely missed dinner with everyone, getting there when everyone was leaving, whatever though, didn’t really bother me. Not as much as getting there and finding out Chandler left with the guys already.
    WOW, wasn’t expecting that one. She along with everyone else didn’t want to be late- we had to be there at 8:00! So I’m like “Uh, pictures guys?” “No no we’ll be late.” Who cares? I don’t think anyone realized we could arrive whenever we wanted. So NO pictures. Wooooooo. Perfect….

    [I wanted to make a trip to the mall and do photobooth picture, how sick would that be??? We’d all be glamoured up and do that!! Like I said though; no one wanted to be LATE. God forbid we’re ten minutes late.] We’re doing that next year Jay.

    Where was I….oh yes the restaurant.
    Thankfully I had the cool people waiting for me :D
    Emily, Felicia, Kendall, KLee’s friend….Jordan (I think, sorry), and Emily Felicia and I picked up Autumn on our way to the dance. :) It was a pretty awesome crew.

    Let me tell you Kendall looked SEXAY in her little black number and heels, I was like daaaang ;D haha
    Too bad we didn’t take pictures right? =__=

    So we’re at the dance- NO WAIT. I forgot to tell you about scaring Emily xD
    So Autumn liiiiiiives……on 79th….on the right side when facing…..south. (You know those houses across the street from the stop sign we’d run to in Swim during dryland…when the girls would do the line running thing when the person in the back would run up to the front and lead? Ya those houses)
    So she lives there-
    We pick up Autumn.
    Turn around.
    Now we have to dodge traffic in the dark to get to the other side of the road with a bunch of traffic. (Frogger!! xD) But what the heck I swear there’s never that many cars before.
    So Felicia drives across first and makes it……
    My turn.
    Look left- there’s a huge white truck coming.
    Look right, pretty darn clear.
    Look left again-huge white truck is pretty darn close.
    I start going xD
    So Emily’s screams because she sees the truck coming at us, which scares me, which in turn I floor it the gas, so we lurk forward.
    Making it safely to the other side, having to go pee.
    I swear we would have been fine anyways if Emily didn’t scare the bajeezus outa me. xD

    So enough with PREhomecoming. :)
    Dancing was SO FRICKIN FUN.

    I safely avoided Tyler, thanks to Klee. :D I love her more now, she’s such an awesome friend. I didn’t know it until I mentioned to her that I hadn’t seen them, that she was making she we danced away from them :P quitters. Plus my shoes were almost $40]

    SO ya.
    Love ya,

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    @ 2:30 in the morning :)
    I must have had a dream about it and couldn’t sleep so I got up and emailed Jessica.
    I’ll update this post some more later in the morning, after I’ve had my cup-oh-joe.
    But, I’ve decided to foreign exchange.

    Okay Got my coffee and yogurt :)
    I also checked my Facebook, I had posted my epiphany there also and found that Justin had left a message to it.
    I was like Awww dang :( and had second thoughts about going then I was like….ehhhh. Germany sounds too awesome. xD
    Which leads me into my Epiphany- I want to Foreign Exchange to Germany.
    Why Germany?
    Because there are many aspects that I couldn’t even dream about seeing:

  • Historical and Modern Art/Architecture
  • The Food
  • I think the language it beautiful when someones speaking it properly (I slaughter the dialect)
  • I have already taken two language classes of German
  • Transportation- Bike and Transit
  • Independence, and an “On my Own feeling”. I’ll be in an entirely new environment, it’s like another life :D
  • I really want this experience. After listening to Jessica about Schweizland, I want to have this life time chance while I’m a young adult. Not while I’m in College trying to start a career, when I finally have a full time job, when I’m married with kids, or when I’m old and wrinkly. I want to do it NOW. Just as my life’s getting started.

    This is my mission, and now my passion, I will work only for this until I get it. Starting Monday, when I make an appointment with my counselor. :)

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    Let’s start off with our table albeit we’re missing a few… Klee, Megan, Me (I took the picture), Malayna…
    This is the first thursday, halfday. I’m sure you’ve seen Danny’s pictures on her myspace, this one’s my fav :)
    At Danielle's, first Thursday Halfday
    This year’s Art Club (which I’ve been missing out on lately :( I’m even VP of it xD
    Art Club
    I’ll have to put the tale of this up soon, but basically:
    1. Slammed finger in car door
    2. Cried and bled all over Old Navy parking lot, then called mom
    3. Went to the hospital and they had to take off my nail, and stitch ‘er up. (No broken bone or fractures)
    My fingerFingernail again
    Getting Braces on! Wooooh…

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    What’s the deellio?

    I’m making my own plan, here’s what I’ve got down in my mind:

  • Get ticket ($15 for single, wooh!)
  • I will, since I really don’t have the time to get a dress, borrow one of Chandler’s if said dress fits. Borrowed Channy’s teal/turquiose Dress
  • Figure out dinner place & time (make reservations) Applebee’s @ 6:30ish with everyone MISSED IT
  • PREpre homecoming, go help S.W.A.T. set up @ Rio Vista Park DIDN’T DO IT
  • Hair Appointment @1- I’ll take pictures! Kinda have pictures :(
  • Cody, Brandon, Chandler come over after Homecoming! :DKinda got introuble, but went to Sonic
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    Big Blow

    Big Blow to my Weekend, just as it was getting better too. Grades got pulled up, my coughs minimum now, and my colds allegedly gone, it’s a three day weekend– what’s not to love?

    I admit this week wasn’t great at all. I remember you said Monday was crappy… my monday wasn’t that bad, and I know I wasn’t a dark little cloud then.
    The next day I was a storm though (worst day of all)- I sounded like an old man thats smoked all his life, and the pressure for my grades to get better was killing me. That was a crappy day… I also spilt hot coffee on me that morning.
    It slowly got better… although I was….sad…I guess you could say a lil depressed. So I didn’t really want to talk. Is it that big of a deal? Was it the communication?
    I wasn’t use to it.

    I could be the Nasty Ex-Girlfriend, that rips up all the memories and objects you gave her, and talks trash about you.
    But that’s not me. I’ll live just being the Ex-Girlfriend.

    I admit I’m not ready to be in a commited relationship right now. There’s too much going on. Sadly, it all happened right after we started going out. Great timing.

    I wish I knew exactly why we just ended it? Couldn’t we have talked about it… seriously? I admit I’m not very girlfriendy, I’m new to this for Heaven’s sake, you were my first Boyfriend.
    Was I too clingy? Did I take advantage of something? Maybe I didn’t try hard enough?… I just feel guilty now though… I must have done something wrong.

    You didn’t do anything wrong (as far as I know…), you were so sweet, and funny albeit sometimes lame funny but that counts too, and always considerate.

    Ending It was for the best I guess.
    No Hard Feelings in the end.
    I hope we’ll still be friends.

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